Mata Cinta

Mata Cinta

Mata Cinta

The Local Market @ Coworkinc

The Local Market @ Coworkinc

Wimo Building. Jl. Kemang I No.7, Bangka, Mampang Prpt, Kemang, Jakarta Selatan

30 September 2017 @ 06.00 - 07.00 p.m

Hi, let's joins us to learn how to make Almond milk and reduce ditergent usage with eco garbage enzyme. It is buy 1 to get 2 course. You will learn from the experts, and you will amazed how easy and fun to make it. So, don't forget to book your spot.

Class Overview

        Class will offer you two learning materials, it is how to make Almond Milk from almond till it ready to drink, and how to make Eco Garbage Enzyme that you can use as detergent for floor, shirt, food and you even can use it as air refresher. Almond Milk is healthy milk because it contain less calories and it even help peoples with lactose allergy. Almond Milk will help the participants to lose their weight. Almond Milk also rich with Vit D which reduces the risk of arthritis, ostheoprosis, and enhances immune function. Even almond milk help to reduce diabetes risk, maintain skin health, and nourish the heart.

        Eco garbage enzyme background emerged from the awareness of Ms. Endang to utilize household organic waste. Eco Garbage enzyme was made from fermentation household organic waste, brown sugar, and water. Eco Garbage Enzyme is using organic garbage to be enzyme that have function as detergents for daily use such as washing plate, food, and repel insect. In addition to that benefit, participants can upcycling their organic waste to something more usefull.

        With this workshop, participant can know how to make Almond Milk and Eco Garbage Enzyme. Beside can gain your healthy, it help environment to sustain and reduce household waste. With Ms Pamela and Ms. Endang knowledge how to make Almond Milk and Eco Garbage Enzyme, participants will felt how easy to get healthy life also pleasured mother earth.

Workshop Details

  • Teacher: Ms. Pamela & Ms. Endang
  • Class Size : 12 to 15 students
  • Ticket : 200K


1.  Course introduction

Ms Pamela will introduce you how to make the almond milk, how it can be healthy to our body. And Ms. Endang will introduce you how to make eco enzyme. You will see how easy to make this product and also make your body healthier and sustain environment. Each speakers has 30 minute’s to give the materials.

2.  Question and Answer

We will finish each session with QnA session to help the participants understanding the materials


  • 30 SEPT 2017 (Saturday)
  • 18.00 – 19.00 (1 hour) each session is 30 minute’s


  • Work Area A


  • Goody Bag
  • You will get 2 course in one time

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Mata Cinta
Mata Cinta
Mata Cinta

Workshop Registration


Thank you for booking to this workshop, please check your email notification (including your spam folder). We will contact you soon for payment steps.

Presented by
the local market
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    Copyright © 2025 PT. Ku Ka Aku Suka